The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Directories Using mkdir in Linux

Introduction to mkdir in Linux

The Linux system is a powerful platform extensively utilized due to its robust, flexible, and open-source nature. A well-known command in the Linux environment is the mkdir function, a command-line utility beneficial for daily tasks. This function is used for creating directories within the Linux file systems. This article delves into discovering and exploiting the mkdir command in Linux, providing a comprehensive interpretation of its application and associated benefits.

Understanding Linux Directories and mkdir

In the Linux ecosystem, directories are akin to folders on other operating systems. They are useful for organizing files, creating a clean, efficient working space. The mkdir, standing for ‘make directory’, simplifies the process of creating these directories.

Basics of mkdir Command

Invoking the mkdir command to create a new directory is quite straightforward. The basic syntax of the command is as follows:

mkdir [options] directory-name(s)

Here, the ‘directory-name(s)’ represents the name of the directory you wish to create. You are not confined to creating a single directory; you can create multiple directories simultaneously.

The ‘options’ could include various parameters, serving several purposes and providing additional functionality. We’ll discuss these options in the next sections.

Commonly Used mkdir Options

1. -v or –verbose

This option gives a message for each created directory.

Syntax: mkdir -v directory-name

2. -p or –parents

This option allows creation of parent directories as needed.

Syntax: mkdir -p directory-name/directory-name

3. -m or –mode

This option sets the file mode (permissions) for the new directory.

Syntax: mkdir -m=a=rwx directory-name

These are few of many living, breathing options in mkdir command. The rest are available on the Linux ‘man’ pages.

Creating a Single Directory Using mkdir

Executing the mkdir function without specifying any options will generate a single directory. For instance, executing the command mkdir Documents will create a new directory named ‘Documents’ in the current location.

Creating Multiple Directories using mkdir

Fancy creating multiple directories? Use the mkdir command by listing the desired directory names separated by space.

Syntax: mkdir directory-one directory-two directory-three

Creating Parent Directories using mkdir -p

The -p (parents) option enables directory creation along with its parent directories in a single command. This is handy when you need to create nested directories.

Syntax: mkdir -p directory/sub-directory

Setting Directory Permissions with mkdir -m

The -m (mode) flag sets the permission of the directory during creation. This removes the need to use separate commands to alter the privilege of your directory.

Syntax: mkdir -m=700 directory-name


This article has provided detailed insights into the mkdir command in Linux, its syntax, and various options. By utilizing the mkdir command, you can streamline your file management tasks. From creating single or multiple directories to defining directory permissions during creation, mkdir equips every Linux user with powerful capabilities to manage any Linux environment effectively.

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