7 Effective Ways of Checking Computer Power Supply


In the world of computers, the power supply is a fundamental yet often disregarded component until issues occur. This exhaustive guide focuses on providing the essential procedures and pointers for effectively and accurately checking your computer power supply.

The Importance of a Computer Power Supply

The computer’s power supply unit (PSU) acts as your system’s lifeblood. It performs the critical function of transforming the alternating current (AC) from your power socket into the direct current (DC) needed by your computer components. An underperforming or defective power supply can result in system instability, hardware destruction, or total system failure.

Indications of a Defective Computer Power Supply

Prior to diving into the method of checking your power supply, it’s important to identify potential signs of a failing PSU, such as:

  1. Consistent System Crashes: Regular system crashes or unexpected reboots, particularly during high-demand tasks, may hint at a deficient power supply.

  2. Overheating and Noise: Excessive heat or abnormal noises from your PSU can indicate an impending failure.

  3. Unscheduled Shutdowns: If your computer suddenly powers down or struggles to start, a malfunctioning power supply might be to blame.

Procedure for Checking Your Computer Power Supply

Step 1: Visual Inspection

An uncomplicated visual inspection can often disclose any apparent issues with your power supply. Look for indicators such as swelling or leaking capacitors, burnt components, or a distinct burnt odour.

Step 2: Utilize Software Tools

Multiple software tools can provide real-time information on your power supply’s operation. Tools like HWMonitor and Open Hardware Monitor can display your PSU’s voltages, allowing you to confirm if they are within acceptable parameters.

Step 3: Physical Examination

If you’re comfortable handling computer hardware and possess the required equipment, you can manually test your PSU using a multimeter. This will provide an exact measurement of the voltages delivered by your power supply to confirm they’re within acceptable limits.

Step 4: Load Testing

Load testing pushes your computer to its maximum capabilities to assess how well the PSU performs under pressure. Tools like Prime95 and FurMark can assist with this process. However, this method should be employed only if you’re confident in your technical skills as misuse can harm your components.

checking computer power supply

Selecting a High-Quality Power Supply

Once you’ve assessed your power supply’s condition, it may be necessary to replace it if it’s underperforming or insufficient for your system’s demands. When selecting a new power supply:

  1. Wattage: It should provide sufficient wattage for your system’s components.

  2. Efficiency: Look for a power supply with an 80 Plus rating, indicating it’s at least 80% efficient at converting AC to DC.

  3. Connectors: It should have all the necessary connectors for your system’s components.

  4. Size: Ensure it can fit inside your computer case.

For more information on this topic, consider reading essential facts about liquid cooled pc power supply.


The computer power supply is a vital component that deserves more attention. Regularly checking your computer power supply and understanding the signs of a failing one can help avoid future system instability or hardware damage.

Further details on power supply units can be found here.

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